“东师外语致知讲坛”系列讲座第三十二讲“Internationalization of higher education: opportunities and challenges”将于4月27日开讲。具体信息如下:
一、讲座题目:Internationalization of higher education: opportunities and challenges
二、报 告 人:Dr Mingsheng Li
Dr Mingsheng Li is Senior Lecturer at School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing, Massey University, New Zealand. He received his doctoral degree in education from La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. He has taught cross-cultural and international communication, business communication, and interpersonal communication in the past 18 years in New Zealand. He has supervised and is supervising a number of doctoral students. He has published extensively (22 journal articles, 2 books, 16 book chapters, 13 conference papers)in the areas of cross-cultural communication, international education, cross-cultural adaptation, reentry cultural adaptation, and migrant studies. He has been invited to give presentations at Australian and New Zealand universities on higher education curriculum development, glocalization of higher education, and acculturative issues facing non-native English-speaking students studying at Western universities.
In response to globalization, all higher education institutions in the world are involved in internationalization. This presentation will explain why internationalization matters to individuals, higher education institutions, and countries. The European Union (EU) and the Organization of Economic Development (OECD) are the two organizations that have established realistic models for higher education internationalization. It is argued that the purposes of internationalization are to benchmark international education standards, identify institution’s positions, attract best teachers, scholars, researchers, and students, increase levels of competitiveness through international networking, collaboration and cooperation, and commercialize education commodity on the global education market. Finally the presentation will address what are the opportunities and challenges facing Chinese higher education institutions.